Selasa, 25 November 2008

PPIC's Job?

still confused on what are the dutys of PPIC.
in this 1 hole week at my first job,
all i could grasp is that my PPIC job consist of :
75% copying others departments report + 25% planning on what n when they should do.
n well, a tiny bit part to remind them of the schedule.

it just makes me feels like i'm doing something useless most of the time.
could it be that i see it from a wrong direction?

Breaking News

rangkuman insiden2 hari pertama masuk kerja :

1. dateng kepagian, masuk jam 8.00, aku sampe sana jam 7.11
jadi binun ngapain, sepi sendiri, sama satpamnya duank.Onion Emoticon

2. tugas pertama: mindahin hardisk komputer lama di kantor gudang ke komputer barunya.
ujung2nya kok jd sama aja ya kayak dirumah, ngurus komputer juga...MSN Onion Emoticon

3. tengah2 ngutak ngatik komputer, dipanggil ikut rapat.
pas rapat, bengong duank, liat orang2 pada debat ga karuan. cm bisa nonton...Onion Icons

4. selese rapat, makan siang.
cm bawa roti T_T, yg lain pada bawa nasi, laper T_T.(ga ada kantinnya)MSN Onion Emoticons

5. abis makan siang disuru baca2 prosedur2 yg ada.
bosen... 3 jam lebih cm baca2 prosedur2, form2.MSN Onion Icon

6. gara2 dah kebosenan, minta tugas deh, jadinya disuru rekap form2 penerimaan.
malah jd kebinunan lagi, istilah part2nya beda2 semua di form rekap sama form penerimaannya.MSN Onion Emoticon

7. jam 5, diusir dari ruang ppic nya.
genset mati, listrik dimatiin, bye bye komputer n lampu....

8. pulang deh...Onion Emoticons

sekian laporan hari pertama kerja.
saya, Annz, melaporkan dari komputer rumah untuk Late Breaking News.
terima kasih dan selamat malam.
Onion Icons

nb: saran dan kritik dapat dikirimkan melalui e-mail yg tertera di layar anda.

And Yet Another Promises by Megaxus Infotech on their Lineage2

Surat NCSoft Kepada Para
Legenda di Indonesia

Dear Esteemed Indonesian Lineage2 Players,

Thank you for showing your tremendous enthusiasm and participant on the previous Lineage2 Focus Tests.
NCsoft is very pleased to work with PT.Megaxus infotech and has been tried to provide the best online game contents as possible for Indonesian players.
NCsoft is committed to provide the best online game contents as possible through PT. Megaxus Infotech, and we will do our best to provide and introduce the World-Best MMORPG Contents to Indonesia that worth to be waited and make you excited soon.
We'll see u on
26th November 2008

Best Regards,
NCSoft Representative
Lineage2 Indonesia Project Div.

Untuk para pemain Lineage 2 Indonesia yang kami hormati,

Terima kasih karena kalian telah menunjukan antusiasme dan partisipasi yang luar biasa selama masa Focus Test Lineage 2 berlangsung.

NCSoft sangat senang untuk dapat bekerja sama dengan PT Megaxus Infotech dan kami berusaha untuk menyediakan konten game terbaik untuk seluruh pemain di Indonesia’

NCSoft berkomitmen untuk menyediakan konten game terbaik melalui PT Megaxus Infotech, dan kami akan berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menyediakan dan memperkenalkan konten game MMORPG terbaik di dunia kepada Indonesia, yang layak ditunggu dan akan membuat kalian terkagum.

Kami akan menemui kalian segera pada 26 November 2008

Salam hangat,
Perwakilan NCSoft
Lineage 2 Indonesia Project Division

Note: Bagi yang telah mengambil DVD Final Test – Gracia, kalian sudah dapat meng-install-nya. Untuk dapat memainkannya, kalian diharuskan untuk menunggu, hingga 26 November 2008


well, tomorrow is the stated date, let's see if they could keep their words this time.

Rabu, 12 November 2008

Date n Fate

It seems God really do likes to play pranks with my live.
Keep setting elevenths as an important date for me.

this makes me curious though,
what else could He have stored for me,
for the rest of the elevenths to come?

Senin, 10 November 2008

The Schedule 4 Lineage2 Indonesia Final Test

Final Test Gracia

Salam Legenda,
Team Lineage II akan memberitahukan bahwa Final Test akan dimulai pada tanggal 19 November 2008, dilengkapi dengan update Lineage II terbaru yaitu Lineage II - Chaotic Throne : GRACIA.
Untuk update tersebut, maka kami akan mengadakan maintenance dari tanggal 10 - 19 November 2008. Maintenance akan berlangsung dari tanggal 10 November 2008, pukul 08.00 WIB. Server akan dibuka kembali pada tanggal 19 November 2008, pukul 08.00 WIB.
Kami memastikan bahwa Final Test ini adalah masa test terakhir sebelum masuk ke dalam Open Beta Lineage II.

-Team Lineage II-

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

update on Lineage2 Indonesia

Finaly an updated news from Megaxus regarding their Lineage 2
and yet ...
Final Test: Gracia

Salam Legenda,

Masa Focus Test 2 akan segera berakhir di awal bulan November 2008. Setelah Focus Test 2 berakhir, kalian akan segera dapat mengikuti Final Test: Gracia yang telah ditunggu-tunggu.

Untuk memaksimalkan kualitas update dan performa Lineage II The Chaotic Throne: Gracia di Indonesia, team Lineage II terpaksa menunda masa Open Beta untuk sementara waktu. Hal ini dikarenakan update Gracia yang cukup besar dan bisa dikatakan benar-benar berbeda (dalam hal Experience, Item, dan lain-lain), maka kami memerlukan bantuan dari seluruh pemain untuk mengikuti Final Test ini.

Tetapi janganlah kecewa terlebih dahulu, karena di dalam Lineage II the Chaotic Throne: Gracia, kalian berkesempatan untuk mencoba update fitur dan event yang jauh lebih menarik, seperti:

* Fitur Vitality System: dapatkan Bonus EXP untuk membantu kalian meningkatkan level.
* Skill Baru: Tambahan skill baru untuk membantu kalian dalam hunt.
* Update Item: Item akan dibedakan menjadi Common, Rare, Superior, dan Masterwork Item. Harga Item akan jauh lebih murah daripada sebelumnya. Item Grade B akan dijual di NPC.
* Bonus Experience Quest: Tambahan bonus Experience di awal Quest akan membuat kalian lebih cepat untuk mencapai level 20. Menuju level 40 dalam seminggu, bukan hal yang susah lagi.
* Newbie Buff: Kalian akan menerima Buff atau Support Magic dari Newbie Helper sampai dengan level 62.
* Free Teleport: Kali ini kalian tidak perlu pusing untuk berpindah-pindah lokasi, karena biaya Teleport di Gatekeeper Free, sampai dengan level 40.
* Perubahan Quest: Tambahan Quest baru, dan Item yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan perubahan Class akan lebih mudah untuk didapatkan.
* New Slot Buff: Buff untuk skill Song dan Dance dibedakan menjadi Slot tersendiri.
* Hunting Ground Baru: Kamaloka ditambahkan di Gracia.
* Raid Boss Reward: Hadiah reward dari Raid Boss ditingkatkan. Kalian bisa mendapatkan Superior Item dari Raid Boss.
* Dan masih banyak lagi...!!!

Dan tak lupa kami menambahkan Event-event menarik yang bisa kalian ikuti, seperti:

* Seven Signs diaktifkan!
* Fortress Siege & Castle Siege (dipandu oleh para GM)
* Game Center: Upgrade!
* Event harian yang semakin seru dan bervariasi.

Kami juga ingin memberitahukan bahwa, karaketer yang telah kalian pakai pada Focus Test 1 & 2, dapat digunakan kembali di Final Test : Gracia, tanpa di-reset. Kalian juga dapat memperoleh DVD update Gracia secara gratis melalui PT Megaxus Infotech. Bagi pihak Game Center, silahkan hubungi 021-52892299 atau kirimkan email ke untuk mendapatkan DVD update Gracia.

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Segera ikuti Final Test: Gracia dan ikuti rangkaian Event menarik, hanya ada di Lineage II the Chaotic Throne!

May Einhasad Guide Your Way of Life
-Team Lineage II-


Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

Life's a Bitch

Truly is.
U know, i've spend this last few days trying to set my life back to its normal time, away from this nocturnal thing, n you know, shit did happened.
just when my body starting to get used with a normal time cycle, last night exactly at midnight, i got a leak on my roof, n walla...
a mini flood comes in side my garage. even worse, i used that garage as an internet cafe. could you imagine how i'd feel?
computers, cables, n water mixed together. what you'd have?

well, in short, i had to spend the hole night cleaning up the garage.

i just hope this wont turn my back to being nocturnal again, since i got a job interview coming next week. i just had to be able to at least wake up in the morning and stay awake till i've finished the interview (n survive the way back home that is). n that wont happen if i couldn't get a sleep the night before.

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008

Garcia Weapon Price List

abis buka2 forum2 game, n nemu postingan yg ngasi price list nya senjata setelah patch garcia.
ga tau sih, ini valid ngga, tp lumayan buat gambaran dana yg dibutuhin ntar.
(credit for Myrmydon

She's all my Fear n Hope.

ga terasa dah tanggal segini. bentar lagi dia ulang tahun.
apa tahun ini aku bisa ngucapin selamet ulang tahun lagi ke dia ya?

stengah berharap stengah lagi aku takut...
masi berharap bisa ketemu dia lagi, bisa liat dia ketawa lagi, bisa ada di sampingnya lagi.
tapi di sisi lain, aku juga takut ketemu dia, aku takut dia ga bisa nerima aku lagi, takut aku dah ngecewain dia lagi. dan, ya, aku tau kl dia liat kondisi ku sekarang ini, dia pasti kecewa.

pathetic ya.
sampe kapan aku bakal terus tenggelam di masa lalu gini?
aku tau, harusnya aku dah bisa ngerelain dia, tapi...

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008

Waiting for The Coming

Lineage 2,
duh lamanya...
ga sabar pingin coba main L2 serius, tp focust test nya lama banget.
gosipnya sih bulan oktober ini OB nya mulai. tapi kok masi ga ada kabar2 resmi ya?

btw, td abis baca2 lg patch note nya garcia, ternyata Vanguard nya Shillien Knight pake 2hand sword ya? sayang, padahal pingin make dual. yah, gpp lah.
moga2 bisa sukses tuh game, n ga banyak anak2 kecil lg yg main.
bosen liat anak2 kecil triak2 ga jelas gitu di chat map.

My Perfect World Diary

lama-lama bosen juga mainin char perfect world ku. masi lv 49 sih, Bestial.
capek aja tiap hari kerjanya hunt duank,
paling cuma diselingin cari2 eq yg bagus n murah, chat sama anak2 guild, bantu2 yg mo q, dah gitu duank.

kapan ya ada perangnya? mungkin bakal lebih seru kl dah ada teritory war nya.

pingin sih coba liat gmn charku ini kl dah lv gede, @least sampe dah milih sisi gelapnya.
kayaknya bagus. tp...
bisa bertahan ga ya aku sampe lv segitu?


God is a child with His ant farm.
~John Constantine~ Constantine

This Late at Night

with nothing to do, nothing to think about, no one to talk to...
yet why does my mind feels like its about to explode?
feels like there's so many things in it, that i couldn't even find a space for my self?

every day, it's just the same...

i wish you were here...

Senin, 29 September 2008

Who am I ?

been looking on previous posts,
it seems i forgot to tell you who am i.

here i goes,
for starters i am an Indonesian currently living in Surabaya.
as one of the people that can't live without games, you could see me in game on almost all of the mmorpg that is published in Indonesia. just wisp Annz, that's my in game nick. i've always used that nick, luckily seems no one else is interested in using that nick. well, although there is once a char that had a nick almost identical with mine. (n since its a char that is quite wellknown for sometime ago some people still mistaken me as that someone)
well, although i played all those games, I'm hardly noticeable amongst all the players n gamers on those game, since i play Juzt 4 Fun. usually i ended up being a mid level char that wanders around too much. just loved to see how all those people (or kids? sometimes i just can't tell the difference whose acting like who) acted.
as for the real world, i'm just an unemployed 25 years old IE grads that still depend on my parents for paying my bill. help them run an internet cafe n printing-typing shop. not a big one though, but it still able to finance our family. its damn hard to find a job with being such an introvert character n a slow responcing mind i have. still trying though.

i think thats enough for now.
see ya!!!

Kurogane no LineBarrel

The only privilege people with power have is being able to decide how to use it.
but even if you only use your power to protect peoples, theres always a price.
Privilege and responsibility are the same thing.
~Michael Mckagan ~ Kurogane no LineBarrel

The important thing is not about what you should do, but what you want to do.
Kurogane no LineBarrel

Sabtu, 27 September 2008

Link Update Anti Virus

Buat yang bingung dimana cari tempat download update antivirus secara manual (buat yg kompi di rumahnya ga konek ke internet), di bagian link2 dah aku taro link ke beberapa website antivirus yang sering ditanyain di warnetku. tinggal klik di linknya aja ntar langsung di anter ke alamat tempat download resminya. abis itu silakan pilih versi yang sesuai.
ke depannya nanti bakal aku tambahin lagi, tp sementara ini baru taro avg, norton, sama mcaffee.

Becks Full Moon Sway

Moon on Water (Full Moon Sway)

Full moon sways

Gently in the night of one fine day
On my way
Looking for a moment with my dear

Full moon waves
Slowly on the surface of the lake
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool!
I don't know about tomorrow
What it's like to be

I was sure
'Couldn't let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

Oh my fair...
Floating like a bird that's in her wings
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool!
I don't know about tomorrow
What it's like to be

I was sure
'Couldn't let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

Full moon sways
Gently in the night of one fine day
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

O-Parts Hunter

Dreams is called a dream because it doesn't come true.
~Rang~ O-Parts Hunter

Fire Emblem ~ Hasha no Tsurugi

You won't know you'd succeded or fail, 'till you've try it.
~Al~ Fire Emblem ~ Hasha no Tsurugi

Batman Dark Knight

Why so serious?
~Joker~ Batman Dark Knight


I may not always does the right thing, but to hear her say it, makes me want to try harder.
~Ichitaka Seto~ I"S

Code Breaker

In real world, it doesn't matter how evil the "person" is if you kill him, you could never became a hero of justice.
~Ogami Rei~ Code Breaker


Behind Each Great Power Lies Great Responsibility
~Ben Parker~ Spiderman

Still Waiting

have you ever feel like there is some thing that you just have to keep waiting for?
though you don't even know what it is that you need to wait for?

i know, its a foolish thing to do, but...
every night, i just couldn't sleep. it feels like there's something i have to wait for so that i could/am allowed to sleep. it just the same with every morning, it feels like there's something i had to wait for, before i could really wake up.

still waiting for her to remind me i guess...

Jumat, 26 September 2008

"When your gone" by: Matchbox20

"When your gone"
by: Matchbox20

I think I've already lost you
I think you're already gone
I think I'm finally scared now
You think I'm weak - But I think you're wrong
I think you're already leaving
Feels like your hand is on the door
I thought this place was an empire
But now I'm relaxed I can't be sure

I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - I think too much
I know this is wrong it's a problem I'm dealing

If you're gone maybe it's time to come home
There's an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If you're gone baby you need to come home
Cuz there's a little bit of something in me
In everything in you

I bet you're hard to get over
I bet the moon just won't shine
I bet my hands I can stay here
I bet you need more than you mind

I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need this in my life
I think I'm just scared - that I know too much
I can't relate and that's a problem
I'm feeling


I think you're so mean - I think we should try
I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - do I talk too much
I know it's wrong it's a problem I'm dealing.

"When You're Gone" Avril Lavigne

"When You're Gone"
Avril Lavigne

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now


We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah


"Tercipta Untukku" Ungu

"Tercipta Untukku"

Menatap indahnya senyuman diwajahmu

Membuatku terdiam dan terpaku
Mengerti akan hadirnya citra terindah
Bila kau peluk mesra tubuhku

Banyak kata yang tak mampu
Kuungkapkan kepada dirimu...

Aku ingin engkau selalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Di setiap langkah yang menyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku
Sepanjang hidupku

Aku ingin engkau selalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Di setiap langkah yang menyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku

Pasti waktu akan mampu
Memanggil seluruh ragaku
Ku ingin kau tahu ku selalu milikmu
Yang mencintaimu
Sepanjang hidupku..

"Heaven Knows" Rick Price

"Heaven Knows"
Rick Price

She's always on my mind

From the time I wake up till
I close my eyes
She's everywhere I go
She's all I know

And though she's far away
It just keeps getting stronger
And even now she's gone
I'm still holding on
So tell me where do I start
Cause it's breaking my heart
Don't wanna let her go

Maybe my love will come back someday
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'cause heaven knows

My friends keep tellin' me
That if you really love her
You've gotta set her free
And if she returns in time
I know she's mine
So tell me where do I start
Cause it's breaking my heart
Don't wanna let her go

Maybe my love will come back someday
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'cause heaven knows

Why I live in despair
'Cause wide awake or dreaming
I know she's never there
And all this time I act so brave
I'm shaking inside
Why does it hurt me so

Maybe my love will come back someday
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'cause heaven knows

Maybe my love will come back someday
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
And all I can do is hope and pray
'cause heaven knows
Heaven knows... [ x2 ]

"Fallin' To Pieces" Rob Thomas

"Fallin' To Pieces"
Rob Thomas

Pray you don't
Lose your place
Dead of night

All your days
Pass you by
Sun will rise
On your lonely, lonely nights
Pray you sleep tonight
Pray just a little
When every little thing
Starts fallin' to pieces

Take my hand
Fall in place
Soul inside
It shows in every line
That's on your face

Stay with me tonight
Stay I'm gonna need ya when
Every little thing
Starts fallin' to pieces

Ya been around town
Take it down now
Why is it the ones you love
That makes it all so hard on you
Then you let it fall behind
And in the back of your mind
You feel my loving shine
You think you might be saved

Tell me that you want someone beside you
Tell me that you want to see this through
Tell me all the times that I've been loving you
You love me, love me too

"I Am An Illusion" Rob Thomas

"I Am An Illusion"
Rob Thomas

Take this confusion
Runnin' round my head
Take back my unkind words
Lay that weight on me instead
I'm the place where everything turns sour
Where you gonna run to now

Wrong step
We got off track
We need someone to help us get back now
Worn thin
Awful state I was in
I believe I was losing me now I'm found
I am found

But I'm not real anymore
I am an illusion

I am the damage
I am the relief
Sometimes I'm people
I never hoped that I would be
If I take in whatever they turn out
What's that gonna make me now
Don't you understand

I'm not real anymore
I am an illusion

Wrong step
We got off track
We need someone to help us get back now
Worn thin
Awful state I was in
I believe they were fooling me
Now I'm down
I am down

But I'm not real anymore
I am an illusion

"Lonely No More" Rob Thomas

"Lonely No More"
Rob Thomas

Now it seems to me
That you know just what to say
But words are only words
Can you show me something else
Can you swear to me that you'll always be this way
Show me how you feel
More than ever baby

I don't wanna be lonely no more
I don't wanna have to pay for this
I don't want to know the lover at my door
Is just another heartache on my list

I don't wanna be angry no more
You know I could never stand for this
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure
I don't want to be lonely anymore

Now its hard for me with my heart still on the mend
Open up to me, like you do your girlfriends
And you sing to me and it's harmony
Girl, what you do to me is everything
Make me say anything; just to get you back again
Why can't we just try

I don't wanna be lonely no more
I don't wanna have to pay for this
I don't want to know the lover at my door
Is just another heartache on my list

I don't wanna be angry no more
You know I could never stand for this
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure
I don't want to be lonely anymore

What if I was good to you, what if you were good to me
What if I could hold you till I feel you move inside of me
What if it was paradise, what if we were symphonies
What if I gave all my life to find some way to stand beside you

I don't wanna be lonely no more
I don't wanna have to pay for this
I don't want to know the lover at my door
Is just another heartache on my list

I don't wanna be angry no more
But you know I could never stand for this
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure
I don't want to be lonely anymore

I don't wanna be lonely anymore [x3]

Minggu, 21 September 2008

Friends, Game n Guild members

Gara-gara bingung ga ada kerjaan, akhirnya tadi aku aktifin id Perfect World Indonesia ku lagi. kaget juga baru juga masuk, dah ada yang wisp. Ternyata temen guild waktu dulu idup di DOMO. seru juga ketemu ingame sama anak2 itu lagi^^.
. . .
Ternyata masi ada juga yang inget sama aku ya. Jarang-jarang tuh ada yang masi inget aku stelah ga ketemu berapa lama. Harap maklum, aku tipe orang yang gampang dilupain rasanya. Jarang ngomong, jarang ikut2 ngegosip dsb. Jadi biasanya kalo dah ga ada hubungan/urusan lagi yang mbuat orang berinteraksi sama aku biasanya mereka jarang ada yang nyoba nghubungin aku.
. . .
Anyway, dah lama ga ol ternyata levelku ketinggalan jauh bgt sama mereka T_T. Mereka dah kepala 5an, aku masi 30an. Gimana cara ngejarnya ya? Tau sih, kalo niat naikin lv nya sih sbenernya bisa aja aku ngejar level mereka.
Banyak godaan T_T. Ada masalah pencarian kerja, game lain, ketikan, sgala macem lah, jadi rada susah juga buat power level.

Btw, tadi sempet ditanya sama salah satu dari mereka, game apa sih yang paling aku suka dari semua game online yang pernah aku mainin (gara-gara kebiasaan nyobain tiap game online yang bisa aku dapetin instalernya nih >.<) n kenapa aku suka tuh game. Jawaban yang kelintas di kepala ku langsung nunjuk DOMO. Kenapa? Soalnya di game itu pertama kali aku nemu anak2 guild yang rame n bisa cocok sama aku. emang sih, stelah DOMO tenggelam n aku jalan-jalan ke game lain juga tetep sering ketemu anak2 itu juga. Tapi...
Tetep aja beda suasananya, apalagi biasanya di game-game lain itu mereka juga dah kesebar di guild-guild yang beda juga. Jadi ga bisa bener2 gabung kayak dulu lagi.
Jadi heran, kenapa masi ada orang tua yang nganggep anak yang kebanyakan main game tuh cuma punya temen dikit. Padahal kalo liat kondisi game2 sekarang, justru sebaliknya, yah walaupun mungkin sebagian besar jarang ketemu face 2 face. Tapi lewat game gini menurutku kita justru bisa dapet lebih banyak temen dari berbagai daerah.
Lagian, temen yang ketemu lewat game gini menurutku lebih gampang di liat kepribadian nyata nya dari pada temen yang ketemu di kehidupan nyata. Why? Soalnya di game, semua orang pasti bakal ngerasa lebih bebas mengekspresikan dirinya. Paling ngga aku bisa liat di anak2 yang main di game centerku. Ada beberapa anak yang keliatan banget bedanya pas di real sama ingame. Yang gampang diliat sih biasanya di anak yang biasanya keliatan sebagai anak pendiem. Mereka seringnya di dalem game lebih mampu bersuara. Entah for better or worse.

Rabu, 17 September 2008

abis buka2 forum tadi, eh liat ada yang post soal nih site.
seru juga nyoba buat2 gambar avatar disitu.

langkah2 pembuatan avatarnya jg ga rumit, tinggal klik2, yah kayak pas buat char di game2 online sekarang lah, tinggal pilih bagian mana yang mo di ubah, trus pilih model yang tersedia.
kalo dah jadi, tinggal masukin alamat e-mail kita, masuk dah ke inboxnya.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

#2 FanSite n Admin

Tulis apa lagi ya pagi ini?

bingung jg mo tulis apa.
td sempet kepikir mo tulis soal kontroversi post salah satu fan site game,
agak males jg sih sbenernya ngacak-ngacak rumah orang. sbenernya ini masalah beberapa hari yang lalu sih, tp gpp kan aku tulis sekarang. kl soal fan site yg mana, silakan bongkar2 sendiri deh, yang pasti fansite salah satu game online indonesia yang masih tergolong baru diluncurkan.


lucu juga tapi baca artikel nya n ngikutin debat yang ditimbulkan artikel itu.

jujur aja, awalnya sempet mikir tuh artikel sengaja di pajang admin forum fan site itu buat mancing debat terbuka antar fans nya masing-masing game buat liat sejauh mana pemahaman gamer indonesia tentang game yang mereka main kan. (yah tetep nyoba positive thinking lah biarpun isi dan bahasa di artikel itu jelas-jelas memojokkan salah satu game online lain)

stelah ada yang post counter terhadap artikel itu, adminnya malah njawab counter itu dengan pola pikir "pokoknya ..." yang intinya tetap mempertahankan isi artikel yang dia tulis. (paling susah tuh kalo ngomong sama orang yang udah ngeluarin jurus "pokoknya", dah pasti ga bakalan mo dengerin pendapat orang lain, n pasti ga make logika lagi ngomongnya, murni faith aja pasti dia)

jadi mikir lagi...

apa bener si admin ini serius tentang pendapatnya di artikel itu?
kenapa dia bisa sampe punya pendapat kayak gitu, n sampe dengan ekstrimnya berani mengutarakan hal-hal yang tertulis di artikel itu?

walaupun mungkin ada kebenaran di artikel yang ditulisnya itu (sayangnya aku ga yakin, sangat ga yakin, pendapatnya dalam artikel itu didukung dengan fakta-bukti yang valid, most likely hasil tulisannya itu berdasarkan dari pengalaman buruk yang pernah dirasakannya n dari berita-berita yang dia dengar), secara etika pun rasanya tulisannya itu udah termasuk kurang pantes dipublikasikan. kalau dia memang seorang yang punya kompetensi untuk menilai di bidang itu dan didukung bukti-bukti yang akurat-valid, ga masalah dia buat artikel itu, tapi ini...

ah ngomong apa aku ini,
aku sendiri cuma penonton biasa, kok pake komentar-komentar sgala...

yah, ok lah mungkin artikel itu dirasa si penulis sudah benar (perlu diingat benar belum tentu tepat, mengutip perkataan salah satu dosen, benar dapat terbagi menjadi 3 pola kebenaran semu; kebenaran pada saat tertentu {keaktualan}, benar dari satu sisi {kelengkapan} dan ... sayangnya benar yang satu lagi saya lupa T_T) dan objektif, tapi apa perlu sampe merendahkan penggemar game lain seperti itu? apalagi itu keluar dari seorang admin forum, yang seharusnya dapat bersikap netral dan mampu mengendalikan suasana forum yang dikelolanya.

stelah ngikutin debat yang ada di forum itu, jadi bertanya-tanya, sbenarnya ini adminnya bener-bener seorang gamer atau skedar player yang kebetulan punya waktu luang lebih untuk mengurus suatu forum game?. misal waktu ada salah satu anggota forum yang mengutarakan bahwa artikelnya itu termasuk katagori flame (anggota forum mengatakan itu flame, tapi si admin bersikeras mengatakan hanya sekedar opini dan bukan termasuk flame), atau waktu ada anggota forum yang membuat thread baru karena belum puas dengan penyelesaian di thread sebelumnya (thread langsung ditutup dengan menegaskan haknya sebagai admin agar masalah itu tidak dibahas lagi, dan menuduh para anggota yang mengcounter sengaja melakukan tindakan kudeta/penyerbuan dari forum lain untuk menyerang sang admin).

ach sudah lah, tambah lama tambah ga jelas inti tulisan ini...
yah namanya jg benang kusut, serba ga jelas dan mbulet.
mencari alasan :p

Senin, 15 September 2008

Malam Pertama


Congratulation for …, who ever you are, in being one of the few to read my first post in attempt of unraveling this world of blogging.

Its 3.37 AM already, so I’m a bit sleepy already.

But, I’ll try to write u something.

Benang Kusut

I choose this name, cause that’s pretty much describe the state of my mind lately. And, hopefully this blogging thing gonna help me sort thing out.


Who ever you are, thank you for reading this.

But, if thing started to bored you, feel free to put it on your boring site list.


Don’t mind the grammar, spelling n stuff, my English is rusting, I know that.

Its just that I’m feeling kinda…

How 2 say it…



I’m spacing out again.

Forgot about what I’m about to say just now.

Guess it’s time to sleep.

So, good night. Or should I good morning?

O yeah, happy sahur for those feasting.

(don’t know what its name on English >.<)